(热闹[rè nào] full of exciting activities)
Yesterday I went to a park by taxi with my dad, mom, elder brother and elder sister. We went to climb the hill. There were lots of people in the park. Some were singing, and some were riding horses. What a happy scene!
Auntie is telling a story to the children: A little girl does not work hard on her study. She always wants to go out to play and does not spend more than 15 minutes on her textbooks every day. In the exam, she is completely baffled. Racking her brains, she still cannot work out the answers. She deserves it!
单韵母Simple finals
a o e i u ü er
There are 7 single finals in Chinese: “a, o, e, i, u, ü, er”.
a like a in "father"
o close to aw in "saw"
e like ir in "bird" and "sir"
i 1) like i in "sit"; 2) like i in "sir", après "c","ch","r","s","sh","z" et "zh"
u like u in "rude"
ü like the French "u"
Here is the pronunciation of these six vowels: a o e i u ü
"a": It is produced by lowering the tongue, with the mouth and lips wide-open. The breath comes out freely.
"o": It is produced by keeping the tongue in a half raised position with the back of the tongue towards the soft palate, the mouth a little open and the lips slightly rounded.
"e": It is produced by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate, with the mouth half open and the tongue a little lower than in the case of "o". "e" is the unrounded vowel corresponding to the rounded vowel "o".
"i": It is produced by raising the front blade of the tongue towards the hard palate, with the mouth a little open and the lips flat, and then letting the breath come out between the hard palate and the blade of the tongue.
"u": It is produced by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate, and rounding the lips, with the mouth a little open, and then letting the breath come out between the soft palate and the back of the tongue.
"ü": The position of the tongue is like that of "i", but the shape of the lips is different; the shape of the lips is like that of "u", but the position of the tongue is different; the mouth is kept open as little as in pronouncing "i" and "u", "ü" is the rounded vowel corresponding to the unrounded vowel "i", and hence "ü" is the same position as in pronouncing "i" and the lips as rounded as in pronouncing "u".
In case two syllables of which the second one begins with “a”, “o”, “e” should run into each other and cause confusion in pronunciation, the dividing sign “’” must be used. e.g.
fáng'ài 妨碍 (to hinder)
fān'gài 翻盖 (to rebuild)
When “i”, “u”, “ü” and a “yùn”韵母 beginning with “i”, “u” or “ü” are not preceded by any “shēng” 声母,they must be written as follows:
yi ya ye yan you yao yin yang ying yong
wu wa wo wai wei
wan wen wang weng
yu yue yuan yun
(The two dots on ü are omitted.)
ā 阿 啊
bā 巴 芭、笆、疤、吧、爸、爬
mǎ 马 妈、吗、蚂
bā 圭 娃、哇、洼
yá 牙 呀
bō 波 菠、婆
wō 呙 锅、涡
mò 莫 摹、蓦
gé 鬲 隔
kē 科 蝌
hé 曷 喝、渴
kě 可 哥、呵
dì 弟 递、涕、剃、梯
lǐ 里 理
jǐ 几 饥、讥、
qí 其 棋、箕、琪
zhǔ 主 住、注
gǔ 古 胡、苦、估
yú 于 宇、吁
yú 鱼 渔
yú 禺 遇、寓
qǔ 取 娶
yǔ 雨
ěr 尔 弥
声旁字 Phonetic Radical
【巴】bā hope earnestly; the old name for Sichuan
爸 bà 8画 father
爸爸bàbà |
n. father, dad |
吧 ba 7画 a modal particle used at the end of a sentence
好吧hǎoba |
ph. all right; be it so |
爬 pá 8画 climb
爬山páshān |
ph. climb a mountain |
爬树páshù |
ph. climb a tree |
爬虫páchóng |
n. reptile; vermin |
【马】 mǎ horse
妈 mā 6画 mother
妈妈māmā |
n. mother, mom |
吗 ma 6画 an interrogative particle used at the end of a question
好吗hǎoma |
ph. Is that OK? |
【可】 kě but; can
哥 gē 10画 elder brother
哥哥gēgē |
n. elder brother |
哥们(儿)gēmenr |
n. close friend; pal, mate |
何 hé 7画 what; why
任何rènhé |
pron. any |
何苦hékǔ |
adv. why bother |
何故hégù |
prep. why |
【哥】 gē elder brother
歌 gē 14画 song
唱歌chànggē |
ph. sing songs |
歌手gēshǒu |
n. singer |
歌声gēshēng |
n. singing |
【古】 gǔ ancient
古 gǔ 5画 ancient
古代gǔdài |
n. ancient times, antiquity |
古老gǔlǎo |
adj. archaic, old |
古典gǔdiǎn |
adj classical |
姑 gū 8画 girl; aunt
姑娘gūniáng |
n. girl; daughter |
姑姑gūgū |
n. aunt |
姑夫gūfū |
n. uncle-in-law(aunt's husband) |
故 gù 9画 past; hence; die; on purpose
故事gùshì |
n. story |
故乡gùxiāng |
n. hometown |
故宫gùgōng |
n. the Imperial Palace in Beijing |
胡 hú 9画 carelessly; recklessly
胡子húzi |
n. beard, mustache |
胡说húshuō |
n. nonsense |
胡思乱想húsīluànxiǎng |
ph. have a bee in one's head; think wildly |
糊 hū 15画 paste
糊涂hútú |
adj. confused, muddle-headed |
浆糊jiànghù |
n. paste |
苦 kǔ 8画 bitter; hardship
辛苦xīnkǔ |
adj. toilsome; hardworking |
苦瓜kǔguā |
n. balsam pear |
痛苦tòngkǔ |
n. pain; suffering |
【且】 qiě even; just
姐 jiě 8画 elder sister
姐姐jiějiě |
n. elder sister |
姐夫jiěfū |
n. brother-in-law(elder sister's husband) |
小姐xiǎojiě |
n. Miss; young lady |
祖 zǔ 9画 ancestor
祖国zǔguó |
n. motherland |
祖父zǔfù |
n. grandfather(from father's side) |
外祖母wàizǔmǔ |
n. grandmother(from mother's side) |
租 zū 10画 rent; hire; lease
出租车chūzūchē |
n. taxi |
房租fángzū |
n. rent |
租用zūyòng |
v. hire, rent |
组 zǔ 8画 organize; form; group
小组xiǎozǔ |
n. small group, team |
组织zǔzhī |
v. /n. organize; organization |
组合zǔhé |
v. /n. make up; compose; combination |
【弔】(吊) diào hang
弟 dì 7画 younger brother
弟弟dìdì |
n. younger brother |
兄弟xiōngdì |
n. brothers |
弟妹dìmèi |
n. sister-in-law(younger brother's wife) |
第 dì 11画 a prefix for ordinal numbers
第一名dìyīmíng |
ph. the first place |
第二天dìèrtiān |
ph. the second day |
第一次dìyīcì |
ph. the first time |
1)Read the following vowels: (to be read across)
a o e a o e
a a o o e e
i u ü i u ü
i i u u ü ü
a o e i u ü
2)Read the following syllables, paying attention to the pronunciation of the consonants: (to be read across)
bo de bo de
ge bo ge bo
de ge de ge
3)Practise the following spellings:(on the record, the columns are read first down, then across)
a o e i u ü |
b d g |
ba bo -- bi bu -- da -- de di du -- ga -- ge -- gu -- |
4)Practice the following spellings and tones: (read across)
ā ā á á
ǖ ǖ ǘ ǘ
bā bā bá bá
dā dā dá dá
bō bō bó bó
gē gē gé gé
bī bī bí bí
dī dī dí dí
bū bū bú bú
dū dū dú dú
Home Work
1)Learn the above exercises by heart and pay special attention to the pronunciation of “o”, “e” and “ü”.
2)Learn the 1st tone and the 2nd tone by heart, and pay special attention to the pitch of the 2nd tone.
3)Read the vowels and consonants in this lesson as many times as you can, until you are able to write them out from your memory.
4)Write the phonetic symbols in this lesson five times.