1. 声母g k h的发音Pronunciation of initials “g k h”
g k h是汉语声母中发音位置最靠后的一组,发音部位是舌根。发g时没有明显的气流,而k则有强烈的气流流出。g与英语“good”中的“g”相近,k与英语“look”中的“k”相近,而h的发音类似于“him”中的“h”。
The location for articulation of “g, k, h” is the hindmost. They are articulated by the coordination of the back part of the tongue and the soft palate. “g” is unaspirated while “k” is aspirated. A strong release of breath is made when k is articulated.
The pronunciation of “g” is like the “g” in good/ game. The pronunciation of “k” is like the “k” in look/ koala. The pronunciation of “h” is like the “h” in him/ hay.
“g”: It is produced by raising the back of the tongue against the soft palate, and then drawing it away to release the pent-up air with a pop. Don't send forth too much air. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
“k”: When the breath is about to puff out through the mouth, emit as much air as possible. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
“h”: Raise the back of the tongue towards the soft palate, and let the breath rub through the channel thus made. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
2. 声符及例字
gē 哥 歌
gè 各 胳、 格、阁、客、路、赂、略
kě 可 呵、何、河
hé 曷 喝、渴、葛、揭、竭、歇
hè 隺 榷
kuāng 匡 筐、框、眶